Outback Area 07

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+++ Welcome on Atrax Beach! +++


This area provides you plenty of Atrax Old and Provider for your hunting pleasure. If you are out of ammo, just buy some fresh one at the shed for a fair price!

The miners will find amounts of blausarium, cumbriz, lysterium, kanerium, Terrudite, Tridenite, angelic, lytha and typo.


General Information
General information about this Land Area.

Name Atrax Beach
Owner Einstein Brainie brain

Location Planet Calypso
Continent Amethera
Closest TP Omegaton West Habitat
Land Area Marker 25233, 36013, 116

Hunting Tax 3.90%
Mining Tax 3.90%

Related Weblinks Join Atrax Beach on Facebook. www.facebook.com
Amethera Outback Land 07.jpg

Properties that are located on this Land Area.

Property Type Location
Longitude Latitude
1 Amethera Outback Shed #7 Estate 25326 35898
2 Fertilizer Terminal Terminal 25312 35937
3 Land Area Marker 25233 36013
4 Revival Terminal Terminal 25312 35937

Land Area DNA
Creatures that have been added to this Land Area by the owner

Creatue Numbers (Density) Maturity
Slot 1 Allophyl 0 0
Slot 2 Allophyl 0 0
Slot 3 Atrax 10 3
Slot 4 Atrax 10 3
Slot 5 Atrax 10 3.1
Slot 6 Atrax 10 3.5

Natural Creature Spawns
Creatures that naturally spawn on the Land Area

Creatue Density Maturity Location
Longitude Latitude

Ores and Enmatters that have been found on the Land Area

Resource Resource Type
1 blausarium
2 cumbriz
3 lysterium
4 kanerium
5 Terrudite
6 Tridenite
7 angelic
8 lytha
9 typo