Planet Calypso Newsletter April 3rd
Official Newsletter, 03 April 2009, Original source: Email Newsletter
Create a Critter Competition
Enter our new Create a Critter completion to see if your very own creature design will be chosen to roam the Calypsian continents. As well as the fame and glory of seeing your creation in the upcoming CryENGINE release of Planet Calypso, we’ve thrown in some other nice prizes as well. Read more...
Easter Bunny
A container full of stuffed Energetic Bunny toys has fallen off a cargo ship passing Calypso. Its orbit has deteriorated and it will hit the atmosphere on April 9th, 2009. The container will probably disintegrate on atmospheric entry, spreading its contents all over Calypso for treasure hunters to find. This is a unique chance to get this rare item, because they’re probably gone on April 13th. Batteries are not included.
Spring Break for the Eomon
Zoologists expect that a spring migration of Eomon, Exarosaur and Longtooth is about to begin. Projections indicate that from around April 18th to May 3rd, these beasts will migrate to their summer grazing. Of course, hungry carnivores will use the opportunity to hunt these animals during the migration.