Press Release:First Project Entropia Beta Phase II Images Available[edit]

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Original Press Release[edit]


For Immediate Release

First Project Entropia Beta Phase II Images
MindArk offers the first public glimpses of the distant planet Calypso

Gothenburg, Sweden - September 21, 2001 - MindArk AB has released the first public screenshots from the Phase II beta test of its upcoming Internet-based interactive entertainment enterprise, Project Entropia. At the same time, the company has made available a selection of development screenshots showing some of the visual improvements that will be implemented in the test as it progresses.

A long time ago, humanity made the leap into the vast depths of the galaxy, embarking up on an era of interstellar travel. Civilization is expanding across the galaxy, following the paths blazed by huge, advanced Odysseus Probes that explore unknown regions, discover habitable planets and prepare them for the arrival of colonists. Science has developed a variety of highly advanced technologies to aid in the colonization of the these worlds, but something has gone wrong and the human population on Calypso now faces not only the planet’s native creatures but also a new and potentially deadly challenge from invading robots as well as.

Currently in development at MindArk, Project Entropia is an innovative new form of interactive entertainment based upon a fully featured, 3D persistent state world. It will be made available with no initial cost or mandatory subscription fees to millions of Internet users around the world, offering them the chance to explore and adventure with each other on the seemingly idyllic planet of Calypso at the edge of known space.

Project Entropia entered closed technical beta testing in May of this year. Earlier this month, the project took a large step forward as Phase II began. At the present time, over 500 testers are assisting by participating in a 10 square kilometre area that includes various creatures and robots as well as an assortment of terrain. While a number of the NetImmerse 4 game engine’s advanced graphical capabilities effects are not yet fully implemented, MindArk has released the first Project Entropia Phase II screenshots showing a selection of scenes from the current beta testing. In addition, development screenshots are available to illustrate some of the upcoming visual enhancements.

Applications for further phases of the Project Entropia beta test are still being accepted at

Additional information about Project Entropia can be found on the official website at

MindArk ( develops technology solutions that address the entertainment needs of millions of Internet users. With novel applications in the interactive entertainment sector and browser infrastructure, MindArk is a world leader in expanding the new universe.

21 September 2001; [ ]


Preview Screenshots[edit]

Beta Phase II Screenshots[edit]

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