Press Release:Project Entropia Phase II Beta Test Begins[edit]
Original Press Release[edit]
For Immediate Release
Project Entropia Phase II Beta Test Begins
MindArk’s Virtual World Welcomes 500 New Participants
Gothenburg, Sweden - September 5, 2001 - MindArk AB announced that the Phase II beta test of its innovative Internet-based interactive entertainment enterprise, Project Entropia, has begun. Earlier today, the first of the 500 new participants entered the initial test area, which consists of 10 square kilometers. The new group is expanded from Phase I, which involved technical testing with a much smaller participant base of approximately 50.
“Today is a truly significant occasion, a landmark date in the development of Project Entropia,” stated MindArk Chief Operating Officer Jan Welter, the visionary behind the project. “The basic concept underlying Project Entropia arose many years ago, at a time when there probably wasn’t enough computing power in the entire world to support it, and it wasn’t until a few years ago that we judged that technology had advanced enough for us to go ahead. It has taken a long time and a tremendous amount of work to arrive at this point, and we are now more motivated than ever to bring Project Entropia to its full potential.”
Project Entropia is a pioneering new form of Internet-based interactive entertainment that will be made available to millions of Internet users around the world at no initial cost and with no subscription fees. In the roles of human colonists on the virtual planet Calypso, they will be able to meet and socialize, adventure into wilderness areas where they will face challenges from wild indigenous creatures and invading robots, take part in building a virtual society, and perhaps even acquire real-world wealth.
Applications for further phases of the Project Entropia beta test are still being accepted at
Additional information about Project Entropia can be found on the official website at
MindArk ( develops technology solutions that address the entertainment needs of millions of Internet users. With novel applications in the interactive entertainment sector and browser infrastructure, MindArk is a world leader in expanding the new universe.
05 September 2001; [ ]
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