Project Entropia One Year Anniversary[edit]

From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info

File:Logo Entropia Universe 16px.png 30 January 2004

On the 30th of January 2003 Project Entropia officially went gold, at 22.53 UTC. It feels like yesterday for most of us here at MindArk. Close to ten major upgrades has been added since then, and Project Entropia continues to evolve at an increased rate.

The response have been massive to say the least – without any major marketing campaign Project Entropia have reached over 85.000 registered accounts and the virtual universe is expanding every day. That kind of community support and a good word of mouth is impressive and we feel very happy about your level of confidence in us.

During 2004 Project Entropia will evolve even more. In the next couple of weeks we hope to present a road map of the future, to bring along the vibrant and creative Project Entropia community in the journey towards the next evolution. We are also putting together a series of milestones from the past – seeing how Project Entropia looked in 1999 for instance.

One year is a long time for most of us. For Project Entropia it is just the beginning!

Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
