Project Entropia Roadmap 2004-2005 (News)[edit]

From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info

File:Logo Entropia Universe 16px.png 08 September 2004

What’s in the pipeline at the MindArk development studio? Here are some of the not so secret parts of the roadmap for the future. We hope this will inspire and keep your imagination on the edge. Remember this is not in any way to be considered a complete list of coming attractions. Also, various minor updates are also not noted.

Project Entropia is a free virtual universe that is downloadable from the Internet and is updated about ten times per year, in so called Version Updates, or VU’s. VU’s are by default targeted for release on Tuesdays. The upcoming VU, 6.1, is scheduled for a release late September.

Project Entropia Roadmap 2004/2005 - List

Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
