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Property:Material Type
This is a property of type Text.
The allowed values for this property are:
- Animal Oil
- Beauty
- Fragments
- DNA Fragments
- Make Up
- Natural Materials
- Paint Cans
- Precious Stones
- Residue
- Tailoring Materials
- Texture Extractors
- Texture Materials
- Timber
- Mineral Ore
- Metal Ingots
- Raw Energy Matters
- Enmatter Elements
- Treasure Parts
- Treasures
Treasure Parts +
Tailoring Materials +
Treasure Parts +
Texture Materials +
Metal Ingots +
Mineral Ore +
Metal Ingots +
Natural Materials +
Metal Ingots +
Tailoring Materials +
Texture Materials +
Natural Materials +
Natural Materials +
Natural Materials +
Natural Materials +
Natural Materials +
Natural Materials +
Fragments +
Raw Energy Matters +
Natural Materials +
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "Animal Oil", "Beauty", "Fragments", "DNA Fragments", "Make Up", "Natural Materials", "Paint Cans", "Precious Stones", "Residue", "Tailoring Materials", "Texture Extractors", "Texture Materials", "Timber", "Mineral Ore", "Metal Ingots", "Raw Energy Matters", "Enmatter Elements", "Treasure Parts", "Treasures" ] } }