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Property:Weapon Type
This is a property of type Text.
The allowed values for this property are:
- Crush
- Longblade
- Shortblade
- Slash
- Cannon
- Carbine
- Mounted
- Pistol
- Rifle
- Support
- Attack Chip
- Attack NanoChip
- Strike Chip
- Strike NanoChip
Showing 10 related entities (more are available).
-"constraints": {}
- "type_constraint": "_txt",
-"allowed_values": []
- "Crush",
- "Longblade",
- "Shortblade",
- "Slash",
- "Cannon",
- "Carbine",
- "Mounted",
- "Pistol",
- "Rifle",
- "Support",
- "Attack Chip",
- "Attack NanoChip",
- "Strike Chip",
- "Strike NanoChip"