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ROCKtropia 9-15-2011[edit]
Official Release Notes[edit]
- Hyperplex Movie Theater added to New Harlem.
- Hunt The THING now playing at the Hyperplex. (Starter & Expert Zones).
- No admission fee
- Pre-existing Weapons/Items are not required to participate in starter mode.
- ROCKtropia new arrival point moved to New Harlem.
- Missions added to New Harlem.
New Platform Systems Utilized
- Spread Weapons: Automatic firing while holding down the fire key.
- Damage Over Time (DOT) Weapons: DOT weapons continue to do damage to the mob or player over a period of time beyond the initial trigger pull.
- Explosive Area Damage: Certain PVP zones have new dangers and methods for inflicting high damage to vehicles & other players.
- Audio Driven Missions: Full command and audio directives of objectives and mission notifications.
- Environmental Hazard FX.
- Kill Box removed from prison perimeter. Penalty for trespassing on prison grounds remains.
- Mobile phone no longer required to leave City of Dreams area.
- Performance optimization of City of Dreams, London & New Harlem.
- Mission fixes applied. Detailed list to follow.
Known Issues
- Estates still inoperable.
- Wave Spawners inoperable.
- Extraction point interaction ranges too short for smooth interaction.
- Extraction point passage rights currently function in single travel direction.
- Title shows up as ??? in achievements window.
- Weapons training requires the firing of 3 rounds while in the barricade at the targets, then the exiting of the barricade, re-entry into the barricade and the firing of an additional 3 rounds fired to complete.
- Weapons Crate #2 produces error.
Special Note: This version update contains strong language or certain language inappropriate for those younger than 18. Parent(s)/User discretion is advised.
Further Information[edit]
Further info on The Thing: TheThing sucked into ROCKtropia's Orbit
Wiki documented changes[edit]
No wiki documented changes yet.
Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
- Previous Version Update: