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ROCKtropia Content Release 13 March 2012
Official release notes[edit]
Fixes and New Content
- The Ballistar has been rebuilt and is fully functional for exisiting residence to move back in.
- Blueprint additions added to loot pools.
- Creature loot pools rebalanced
- Performance upgrades to New Harlem and the London Backlot
- Fixes to items that couldn’t be placed in auction
- Fixes to clothing issues from last month be it colorable items that couldnt be colored or items with incorrect stats.
- Fixes to item descriptions
- Teleporter fixes on both ROCKtropia and The Arctic
- Vixen spawns added to City of Dreams
Known Issues
- Iron Challenge quests are not active
See the following thread for more known issues
Further information[edit]
Un-noted changes, images of new stuff, etc go here
Wiki documented changes[edit]
No wiki documented changes yet.
Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
- Previous Version Update: