ROCKtropia Update 10-5-2010[edit]
Official Release Notes[edit]
An update was implemented this morning that corrected a number of known issues, as well as adding some new content. While this update was primarily intended as a content update for another destination in the Entropia Universe, several fixes and content updates do affect ROCKtropians. A new vehicle has been added, that can carry up to 8 passengers at a time. Several fixes have also been implemented including extending the distance you can fall before sustaining any damage, characters being created without standard issue clothes, and several other game play issues. As always, please use this thread to notify us of any unusual happenings on ROCKtropia, so that we can check it out.
Further Information[edit]
Un-noted changes, images of new stuff, etc go here
Wiki documented changes[edit]
No wiki documented changes yet.
Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
- Previous Version Update: