ROCKtropia Update 9-16-2010[edit]
Official Release Notes[edit]
What's up ROCKtropia? If you notice anything funky going on, please take a moment to post about it in this thread so that we can take a look at it. A couple of strange things that we've noticed...
S.G. Takeover guns have arrived with factory installed silencers, and despite the awesome firepower, seem to be unusually silent... Stealthy!!!
It seems that many of the new female cyborgs, vixens and dolls are also strangely silent... Perhaps they factory installed silencers as well.
If you find something that seems strange to you, please post it on this thread!!!
ROCK on!
Oil Rig - Not Fully Operational
The oil rig, located in the Motorhead Stadium Beer Garden, is not performing the way it should. It is not yet clear if the problems are mechanical, or if the pump can't handle the pressure yet, but the League of ROCKtropian Drillers and Excavators have sent a crack squad of repair technicians to fix the flow issues. Fear not you oil collecting PK'ers, help is on the way!
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