
From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
(Redirected from RipperSnapper)
Moblist thumb RipperSnapper.png
Name RipperSnapper     Combat
Origin Entropia Universe     Attacks
Destination(s) Calypso, ROCKtropia     Range
Class Animal     Aggression Very High
Movement Swimming     Tamable No
Sweatable No     Version Update

These vicious fish live in rivers where they mainly seem to prey on unwary creatures that try to swim across the river to get to the other side. Their massive jaws are designed by nature to tear into any large prey and rip off large chunks of flesh. They are often seen in packs and can see very far. The colors on the fish mean danger.





No results!

Maturity Health Regen. Speed Max. Damage Threat Taming Level Sweat Available Health level Damage potential Agility Intelligence Psyche Stamina Strength
Young 50 - 16 80 - 3 - - - - - - -
Mature 70 - 20 140 - 4 Puny Small 17 5 5 7 22
Old 90 - 22 198 - 5 - - - - - - -
Provider 120 - ">300 - 6 130 - - - - - - -
Guardian - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dominant 180 - 40 720 - 9 - - - - - - -
Alpha 220 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Old Alpha 310 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prowler 340 - - - - - - - - - - - -


MissionDestinationMission ChainMission ScopeMission GiverPositionStart ConditionObjectivesRewardsVU
100 Pound Bench Press Workout 1ROCKtropia100 Pound Bench Press WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????),Kill 100 RippersnapperAim (~0.13 PED TT)
100 Pound Bench Press Workout 2ROCKtropia100 Pound Bench Press WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)100 Pound Bench Press Workout 1, |Kill 500 RippersnapperCombat Reflexes (~0.66 PED TT)
100 Pound Bench Press Workout 3ROCKtropia100 Pound Bench Press WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)100 Pound Bench Press Workout 2, |Kill 1000 RippersnapperEvade (~0.6 PED TT)
100 Pound Bench Press Workout 4ROCKtropia100 Pound Bench Press WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)100 Pound Bench Press Workout 3, |Kill 5000 RippersnapperFirst Aid (~3.02 PED TT)
100 Pound Bench Press Workout 5ROCKtropia100 Pound Bench Press WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)100 Pound Bench Press Workout 4, |Kill 10000 RippersnapperAND choice between Weapons Handling (~13.13 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR Aim (~13.13 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT)

RipperSnapper Mission Chain (6)[edit]
File:Moblist thumb rippersnapper.png RipperSnapper Mission Chain * New
Mission Name Start Location Broker Name Objective Reward
Iron Challenge: Scout the area * New Cayuze Captain Horace Quinn Scout locations 25 Nova Fragment
Iron Challenge: 100 RipperSnapper * New Kill 100 RipperSnapper + 1 Intelligence
Iron Challenge: 500 RipperSnapper * New Kill 500 RipperSnapper + 1 Psyche
Iron Challenge: 1,000 RipperSnapper * New Kill 1,000 RipperSnapper + 1 Agility
Iron Challenge: 5,000 RipperSnapper * New Kill 5,000 RipperSnapper + 1 ???
Iron Challenge: 10,000 RipperSnapper * New Kill 10,000 RipperSnapper
  • + 1 ???
  • ???


Creature has no Destination specified yet!No RipperSnapper spawns documented yet!

Creature Control[edit]

Creature Control documentation methods are not done yet!


* the average number of kills this item usually needs to drop at least once

Item Frequency Last VU
Advanced Gem Extractor Unknown 9.3.8
Advanced Stone Extractor Often 10.1.1
Animal Eye Oil Very often 10.1.1
Animal Hide Often 10.1.1
Animal Muscle Oil Very often 10.2.1
Animal Oil Residue Very often 10.1.1
Animal Thyroid Oil Uncommon 9.2.4
Basic Leather Extractor Common 9.4.4
Basic Metal Extractor Rare 9.4.4
Basic Strategic Combat Processor Uncommon 10.1.1
Castorian Combat EnBlade-6 Unknown 8.11.1
Diluted Cloth Extractor Common 9.4.4
Empty Skill Implant (L) Rare 9.4.4
Enhanced Cloth Extractor Unknown 9.4.4
EWE EP-32 Enforcer Common 8.11.1
Explosive Projectiles Common 10.1.1
Eyeshadow (Pale Brown) Rare 9.3.2
Face Paint (Dark Green) Uncommon 9.3.2
Fine Hide Uncommon 9.4.4
Fine Wool Unknown 9.4.4
Knight Gloves Rare 9.4.4
Knight Shin guards Common 8.12.3
Knight Thigh guards Uncommon 9.4.3
Light BLP Pack Common 10.1.1
Light Weapon Cells Common 10.1.1
Lip Liner (Maroon) Unknown 9.2.4
Lipstick (Hollywood Cerise) Rare 9.2.4
Marber Bravo-Type Plasma Annihilator Extremely rare 11.2.7
Medium BLP Pack Common 10.1.1
Medium Weapon Cells Common 10.1.1
Paint Can (Brown) Unknown 10.1.1
Paint Can (Dark Steel Blue) Rare 9.4.4
Paint Can (Navy) Uncommon 9.1.6
Paint Can (Orange) Often 9.3.4
Paint Can (Pink) Uncommon 9.1.6
Paint Can (Steel Blue) Uncommon 10.1.1
Paint Can (Turqoise) Unknown 9.4.4
Paint Can (Violet Cream) Often 9.4.4
Paint Can (Yellow) Common 10.2.1
Powder (Dark Chestnut) Unknown 9.3.5
Powder (Pale Pink) Unknown 9.4.4
Second-Rate Cloth Extractor Rare 9.3.4
Soft Hide Unknown 9.4.4
Sollomate Tasmo Uncommon 9.2.1
Superior Cloth Extractor Rare 10.1.1
Thin Wool Unknown 10.1.1
Wool Common 9.4.4



ID Value Date Maturity Avatar
01 4208 Unknown Provider john ghost water
02 2370 Unknown Old Hope Colcho Less
03 2355 Unknown Old Paul-Henrik Junior Hunter
04 1481 2008/02/12 Provider Oleg Oleg McMullery
05 1391 2008/06/08 Provider Mute Bobes Roeschild
06 1102 2008/05/03 Old Mute Bobes Roeschild
07 139 2006/04/02 Provider Jarod Pretender Parker
08 67 2005/10/30 Mature Victor Shadow Fusion
09 63 2006/01/22 Guardian Team "We Gonna Rock!"


Taming has not been re-implemented yet.

Further information[edit]

Generic info goes here

Name Explanation[edit]

Ripper Snapper- English. "Rip" to "tear or be torn violently". "Snap" to "close Suddenly". RipperSnappers close their jaws suddenly on prey, and rip it apart, hence they Rip and Snap their pray. An apt name.


DNA info goes here

Hunting Log[edit]

Average Return on RipperSnapper: 0 %



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Scanner Images[edit]

Other Images[edit]

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Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
