Edit Shear XR70 (L): Mission:90 Pound Dumbell Workout

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Name 90 Pound Dumbell Workout     Max TT 43
Origin Planet Calypso     Durability
Weapon Class     Decay 1.093
Weapon Type     Uses "[Uses" contains a listed "#" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid.
Sub-type Energy     Ammo Used 300
Item Variant     Cost
Ammo Type Energy Cell"Energy Cell" is not in the list (BLP Pack, Explosive Projectiles, Light Mind Essence, Mind Essence, Synthetic Mind Essence, Weapon Cells) of allowed values for the "Ammo Type" property.     Dmg/PEC
Limited? Yes     Max Dmg 17
Source CraftedProperty "Source" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.     Dmg/sec
Weight 0.5        
Version Update        

Icon Calypso.png

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