Teleporter:Cape Corinth[edit]

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Teleporter This box is supposed to give an overview. For details please refer to the content on the left of the page. To edit the content of this box please click the edit pencil.
Teleporter Name Cape Corinth
Teleporter Location
Longitude 61753
Latitude 87921
Height 105Property "Height" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Destination Calypso
Area Eudoria
Teleporter "Properties"
Initially on the map ?
Associated Achievements
Estate Improvement ?
One-Way Teleporter ?
Version Update
"Facilities" available closeby
Revival Point (Yes)
Auction (Yes)
Technician ?
Storage Facility (Yes)
Trade Terminal (Yes)
Repair Terminal (Yes)
Manufacturing Terminal (Yes)
Society terminal (Yes)
Ad Terminal ?
Event Guide ?
Missions ?
Local PVP Zone (Yes)
Global Ad Screen ?
Broadcaster ?
Automated Gun Turret (Yes)
Bank ?
Shops ?

General information[edit]


Localities and activities close-by[edit]







Name expanation[edit]

Corinth, or Korinth is a city in Greece. In antiquity it was a city-state, on the Isthmus of Corinth, the narrow stretch of land that joins the Peloponnesus to the mainland of Greece. To the west of the isthmus lies the Gulf of Corinth, to the east lies the Saronic Gulf. Corinth is about 78 kilometres (48 mi) southwest of Athens. The isthmus, which was in ancient times traversed by hauling ships over the rocky ridge on sledges, is now cut by a canal.

Corinth is now the capital of the prefecture of Corinthia. The city is surrounded by the coastal townlets of (clockwise) Lechaio, Isthmia, Kechries, and the inland townlets of Examilia and the archaeological site. Geophysically the city is likewise surrounded by the narrow coastal plain of Vocha, Corinthian Gulf, Corinth Canal, Saronic Gulf, Oneia Mountains, and the monolithic rock of Acrocorinth where the medieval acropolis was built.

info on wikipedia:

Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
