
From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
Teleporter This box is supposed to give an overview. For details please refer to the content on the left of the page. To edit the content of this box please click the edit pencil.
Teleporter Name Zephyrus
Teleporter Location
Longitude 69998
Latitude 66930
Height 150Property "Height" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Destination Calypso
Area Eudoria
Teleporter "Properties"
Initially on the map X (No)
Associated Achievements
Estate Improvement X (No)
One-Way Teleporter X (No)
Version Update
"Facilities" available closeby
Revival Point (Yes)
Auction (Yes)
Technician ?
Storage Facility ?
Trade Terminal (Yes)
Repair Terminal (Yes)
Manufacturing Terminal (Yes)
Society terminal (Yes)
Ad Terminal ?
Event Guide ?
Missions ?
Local PVP Zone ?
Global Ad Screen ?
Broadcaster ?
Automated Gun Turret ?
Bank ?
Shops ?

General information[edit]


Localities and activities close-by[edit]

Nothing close-by available or not documented yet.







Name explanation[edit]

Zephyrus, or just Zephyr, is the Greek god of the west wind. The gentlest of the winds, Zephyrus is known as the fructifying wind, the messenger of spring. It was thought that Zephyrus lived in a cave in Thrace.

Zephyrus was reported as having several wives in different stories. He was said to be the husband of his sister Iris, the goddess of the rainbow. He abducted another of his sisters, the goddess Chloris, and gave her the domain of flowers. With Chloris, he fathered Carpus ("fruit"). He is said to have vied for Chloris's love with his brother Boreas, eventually winning her devotion. Additionally, with yet another sister and lover, the harpy Podarge (also known as Celaeno), Zephyrus was said to be the father of Balius and Xanthus, Achilles' horses.

Info on wikipedia:

Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
