The Hera Marriage Mission Chain[edit]

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The Hera Marriage Chain

Overall Synopsis

Glykeria, a young Athenian maid, is soon to be married to her childhood friend Theodoros. However, Theodoros has become estranged of late and Glykeria cannot figure out why. The Player discovers, through a five-mission chain, that Theodoros is acting oddly because his older brother Akylas has made him doubt his masculinity. Theodoros is worried that Glykeria will never be able to see him as more than the small boy she hunted for bugs with in her garden. The player is able to reassure Theodoros and reunite the happy couple.

Quest One: Childhood Friends[edit]

Help Glykeria find out why her fiancé Theodoros is acting strangely.

  • Find Theodoros’ House
  • Bring Akylas an Amphorae of Wine
  • NPC: Glykeria (36496, 20223)
  • NPC: Akylas (36387, 20131)
  • NPC: Procuro
  • Item: Amphorae of Wine
  • Achievement: The Minotaur’s Tail
  • Blueprint: Minotaur’s Tail Thigh Armor (Unlimited)
  • Item: Minotaur ‘s Tail Thigh Armor
  • Trigger Popup Outside Glykeria’s House: “Theodoros, is that you? Come see the new beetle I’ve found.”
  • Trigger Popup Outside Theodoros’ House: “Finally completed your training baby brother?”
  • Decorations to Glykeria’s house
  • Decorations to Theodoros’ house
  • Either 7 white grapes paid in at a total of .42 PED or paid in .5 PED directly to wine merchant to receive Amphorae of wine.
  • .01 PED BP for 3.01 PED armor item.

When the player passes by Glykeria’s house (36496, 20223) they are greeted with the popup “Theodoros, is that you? Come see the new beetle I’ve found!” Player greets Glykeria in her garden and she is polite but disappointed that they are not her fiancé and childhood friend Theodoros. She tells the player that Theodoros has not been himself of late and she worries for their future if he continues to act this way. Glykeria gives the player a radar location (36387, 20131) and asks them to go to the location and see if they can find out what the matter is with Theodoros.

Player goes to the radar location and when they approach Theodoros’ house they are given the popup, presumably from Akylas, “Finally done with your training baby brother?” Player meets Akylas in the back garden of his house and he arrogantly tells them that his little brother is training and cannot be bothered. When the player insists that they must speak with Theodoros, Akylas tells you to bring him an Amphorae of Wine and then perhaps he’ll tell you where to find him.

Player has the option to gather grapes and trade them to Procuro the Wine Merchant or buy an Amphorae of Wine directly from the merchant and return it to Akylas. Once he has received the wine Akylas gladly gives the player the radar location (36656, 20422) and asks them to bring a little design to his brother that he has just made to encourage him to keep hunting. Player is awarded with the Blueprint for Minotaur’s Tail Thigh Armor and the achievement: Minotaur’s Tail.

Blueprints and Their Associated Items[edit]

Item Minotaur Tail Armor 01.jpg

Item Name: Minotaur’s Tail Thigh Armor Minotaur Tail Armor

Item Type: Blueprint

Maximum TT Value: .01 PED

Difficulty Level: Ancient Greece 1


1 Hoplite Thigh Armor

1 Minotaur Tail

Item Text: Take the required materials to any crafting terminal to use this blueprint for Minotaur’s Tail Thigh Armor.

Item Name: Minotaur’s Tail Thigh Armor

Item Text: You didn’t pin it blindfolded, but it still took skill to make!

Item Type: Armor

Maximum TT Value: 3.01 PED

Stats: The same as the original Hoplite Thigh Armor

Development Notes and Art Reference: The Hoplite Thigh Armor part should look the same as the original armor and be colorable, just like the original armor. The tail should be pinned on the center of the butt of the armor and be modeled to drape just as the Minotaur Tails do on the Minotaur.

Quest Two: Out of Character[edit]

Find out why Theodoros is acting out of character.


Follow Akylas’ directions to find Theodoros

Return to Akylas to get the true location

Gather X# Minotaur Horns

Bring the Minotaur Horns to Akylas


NPC: Akylas

NPC: Solon

NPC: Theodoros

Blueprint: Tettix Net (Unlimited)

Item: Tettix Net

Tettix (not needed in this mission, but they are the reason for the net).

Item: X# Minotaur Horns (existing but spawn rates should be checked)

Achievement: Heads will roll


Repairs from hunting, player will be collecting items they will use in mission three for crafting.


.01 PED BP


Player follows Akylas coordinates, but instead of locating Theodoros they find Solon the biologist at (36656, 20422). Solon greets the player and asks them if they would like to look at the remarkable beetle he has just discovered, but the player responds that they were looking for Theodoros and Akylas said they could find him in this location. Solon responds that this must be Akylas’ idea of a prank, he has never cared much for Akylas’ brutality as he is a man of science and Akylas regards Solon as less than a man because he does not care for bloodletting. Player asks Solon if they know where to find Theodoros and he tells them that since the death of Theodoros’ father the only person likely to know his whereabouts is Akylas as he is responsible for his training.

Player returns to Akylas and yells at him for leading them on a wild goose chase, but he just laughs and tells them he thought they had a better sense of humor. He then gives the player Theodoros’ true location.

The player finds Theodoros (36396, 20144) near the minotaur, but he is just staring off into space instead of trying to fight them. Theodoros informs them that Akylas has told him he can’t visit Glykeria until he demonstrates his manhood by collecting 36 Minotaur Horns. However, he is having second thoughts about marriage anyway and would rather just hang out in the field and watch the sunset than deal with Glykeria or his brother. The player tells Theodoros that he is being selfish, but he refuses to change his mind so they tell him that they will collect the Minotaur Horns for him and then he must go visit Glykeria. Theodors agrees and the player hunts Minotaur until they have found the correct number of horns. Player tries to give the horns to Theodoros, but he tells them to deliver the horns to Akylas’ themself. He gives the player Blueprint for Tettix Net as a small thank you.

Player delivers the Minotaur Horns to Akylas who says that he suspects Theodoros had no hand in collecting them, but he supposes it’s all the same. Then he says that Theodoros can only visit his “little friend” after he finishes running an errand for Akylas. Player receives achievement: Heads Will Roll

Blueprints and Their Associated ItemsTettix Net

Item Name: Tettix Net Blueprint

Item Type: Blueprint

Maximum TT Value: .01 PED

Difficulty Level: Ancient Greece 1


Jungle Rope

Olive Wood

Item Name: Tettix Net

Item Text: No Tettix can escape this sturdy net!

Item Type: Tool

Maximum TT Value:  ?

Development Notes and Art Reference: The Tettix Net should have a long handle that resembles the art for Olive Wood and a net that resembles the Jungle Rope art in a crosshatch pattern.

Quest Three: Hammer and Anvil[edit]

Forge a Minotaur Horn Helmet for Akylas so that he will let Theodoros visit Glykeria.


Visit Phaidros the blacksmith

Perform X# forging attempts of the Minotaur Horn Helmet

Return to Akylas


NPC Akylas

NPC Phaidros

Blueprint: Minotaur Horn Helmet (Unlimited)

Minotaur Horn Helmet

Quest Item: Minotaur Horn Helmet

Location: Blacksmiths Forge (see notes below)

Anvil Crafting terminal





Blacksmiths Apron

Tub of water

Achievement: Hammer Time: You know how to work that anvil!

Pay In

Crafting materials for Minotaur Horn Helmet crafting attempts.

Pay Out

.01 PED BP


Akylas tells the player that Theodoros must run one further errand for him and then he can go visit Glykeria. He gives the player the horns they have just collected, and asks them to deliver the items to Phaidros the Blacksmith, at location (36642, 20121), who has promised to design him a Minotaur Horn Helmet.

Player finds the forge and speaks to Phaidros the Blacksmith who is overrun with orders for the Minotaur Horn Helmet, it’s the fashion item of the season after all. He tells the player that if they have any interest in learning how to work the forge so they might assist him in some of his work he will hand over the design for the helmet free of charge. Player agrees and Phaidros awards them with Blueprint: Minotaur Horn Helmet and asks them to attempt X# tries on the blueprint and then they should have the skill needed to turn out the item, but first they should collect whatever other items the blueprint calls for. Player collects these items and completes X# tries on the blueprint, using the horns from mission two and keeping whatever helmets they manage to craft before they hit the attempt number, whereupon they are awarded with the Quest Item: Minotaur Horn Helmet.

Player speaks with Phaidros who congratulates him on his fine work and tells him that he can return to the forge at any point if he would like to keep assisting. (If player returns to the same anvil (arguing for an instance of the forge) they can keep crafting minotaur horn helmets that come with special achievements).

Player returns to Akylas and presents him with the Quest Item: Minotaur Horn Helmet. Akylas comments that the blacksmith appears to be losing his eyesight as this is not his finest work, and that he cannot be sure that Theodoros had anything to do with running his errand, nevertheless he is feeling generous and Theodoros may now go visit his little friend. Player is awarded with achievement “Hammer Time: You know how to work that anvil!”

Quest 4: The Bug Catcher[edit]

Help Glykeria convince Solon to give her the rare Theban Beetle.


Speak with Solon

Find X# Tettix

Collect X# bottles of Olive Oil (We already have an olive oil merchant from the pitch “The Merchants Gift” if we made him a trade in system exactly like the wine merchant, after completing his quest, we could have players trade in olives for olive oil.

Collect X# Garlic Bulbs

Roast Tettix over a fire (We may have to create a hearth, but the Hestia pitch required one. It would be really funny if we set up a temple for Hestia with a hearth and the player had to sneak into it, past her priestess by saying that they were going to leave her an offering, so they could roast their Tettix.) Fire would function as an activatable whereby players would drop in olive oil, garlic, and Tettix to make Roast Tettix (this combination could be used to bribe characters later as it is a delicacy).

Return to Solon


NPC Theodoros

NPC Glykeria

NPC Solon

Tettix (Tettix Net from quest 2 to pick them up)


Olive Oil

Garlic Bulbs


Roast Tettix

Blueprint: Tettix Wings (Unlimited)

Item: Tettix Wings

Achievement: Insect Chef

Pay In

Ped from item pay-in to complete quest.

Pay Out

.01 PED BP for Tettix Wings


Player goes to Theodoros to tell him the news, but he continues to be stubborn and asks the player to deliver a message to Glykeria telling her to leave him alone. Player delivers the message to Glykeria who is very sad, but says she has one last idea for reaching out to Theodoros. She tells the player that they spent many hours of their childhood collecting and cataloguing insects in the garden, but they could never find the rare Theban Beetle. Glykeria says that she has heard that Solon the biologist might have one in his possession and it is possible that if she were able to give it to Theodoros he would finally talk to her.

Player goes and speaks to Solon who says that he might have a Theban Beetle in his possession and he would be willing to give it up if the player could do him a favor in return. Solon has been out collecting insects all morning and could use a little snack. Tettix are in season, having just emerged from the ground, and if the player could collect X# Tettix and prepare them in his favorite style? Player searches around for X# Tettix, which can only be picked up if they have the Tettix Net in inventory (this will be a low number of Tettix so we don’t drive people completely crazy). Player prepares Roast Tettix and gives it to Solon who gladly gives the player Quest Item: Theban Beetle. He tells the player he also wants to give them a little thank you for their efforts and rewards them with Blueprint: Theban Beetle Wings and the achievement: Insect Chef.

Blueprints and Their Associated Items

Item Name: Blueprint: Tettix Wings

Tettix Wings

Item Type: Blueprint

Maximum TT Value: .01 PED

Item Text: Take the required materials to any crafting terminal to use this blueprint for Tettix Wings.

Difficulty Level: Ancient Greece 1


(If we decide to use the forge to exchange Minotaur Pauldrons for Iron I would like these to be made of mostly iron and function as an armor for the chest.

Item Name: Tettix Wings

Item Type: Armor

Maximum TT Value: ?

Item Text: These wings may protect you from some danger, but they are too heavy to fly you to safety.

Quest Five: The Happy Couple and the Fool[edit]

Help Theodoros redeem himself to Glykeria by showing her his love.


Deliver the Theban Beetle to Phaidros the Blacksmith

Craft materials to make a wedding ring

X# Iron bars

Craft a wedding ring

Give the wedding ring to Phaidros to finish

Deliver the wedding ring to Glykeria


NPC Glykeria

NPC Theodoros

NPC Phaidros the Blacksmith

NPCs Athenian Women at the Fountain

NPC Akylas

Quest Item: Theban Beetle

Blueprint: Wedding Ring

Item: Wedding Ring

Item: Theban Beetle Wedding Ring (Unlimited)

Achievement: No pity for the fool


Player returns to Theodoros with the Quest Item: Theban Beetle in their inventory and are able to activate a dialogue with him where he is overjoyed with the beetle and admits that he has been so nervous about his upcoming marriage that he has not been treating Glykeria well. He says his brother is always calling him a wimp and he worries that Glykeria will not see him as a man, but now he sees that he has been a fool and she truly loves him. He tells the player that he has commissioned Phaidros the blacksmith to make her a wedding ring and begs the player to rush to the forge and see if the beetle can be included in the ring.

Player goes to the forge and they are greeted by Phaidros who is happy to see his loyal apprentice as he is again overwhelmed with orders. He gives them Blueprint: Ring and asks them to make one of these and then hand it back to him so he can put on the last details. Player collects materials for Blueprint: Ring and crafts one and then hands it to Phaidros. Phaidros admires the craftsmanship and hands back to the player Item: Theban Beetle Wedding Ring after having presumably mounted the quest item on the ring.

Player returns to Glykeria with the ring and she is overjoyed and says that she knew that everything would work out for the best. She asks the player to hold onto the ring as she would like them to be ring bearer at her wedding, after all they are responsible for saving her marriage. She is dismayed to hear that Akylas has been so cruel to Theodoros. She asks the player to do her one final favor. She has heard some women at the fountain gossiping, could the player go and eavesdrop and see if they can learn anything about Akylas that they might mock him with? Player eavesdrops on the women and learns that Akylas has never hunted in his life because he’s afraid of the Cyclops and Minotaur. Player goes to Akylas house and taunts him with their knowledge. They are rewarded with the achievement: No Pity for the Fool!

End Hera Marriage Chain