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User: alexander
Date: 2016/12/24
Year: 2016
Month: December
Weeknumber: 51
Hunt Number: 1
Duration: Minutes
Creature: Creature:Kerberos
Location: boreas
Armor Decay: 0 PED
Plates Decay: 0 PED
Weapon 1 Decay: 0 PED
Weapon 2 Decay: 0 PED
Weapon 3 Decay: 0 PED
Weapon 4 Decay: 0 PED
Weapon Decay: Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{"."Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{"." is not a number. PED
Attachment Decay: 0 PED
Ammo Used: 0 PED
Healing Decay: 0 PED
TT Value Loot: 0 PED
Return: Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{"."Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{"." is not a number. %
Profit: 0 PED
Number of Globals:
Number of HOFs: