Weapon:Herman LAW-101 Arctic (L)[edit]
Variant: Arctic Model Laser Rifle <br\> Availability: Looted, Manufactured <br\> Preceding Model: None <br\> Next Model: Herman LAW-202 Arctic (L) <br\> Ammunition: Medium Weapon Cells <br\> Recommended Amplifier: Hotfoot 10 (L) <br\> To Use: Equip and point at your target and operate to fire. Ensure the correct ammunition is in your Inventory.
This is the first model in the LAW Arctic series.
This variant has been designed for maximum damage, and is therefore particularly well-suited to an arctic environment where every shot counts.
You may attach any combination of scope, sight and Laser amplifier to any Laser weapon. To be economical your equipment decision should suit your skill level and how much damage you want to inflict.
‘Satisfied with the quality of Herman Industries’ BLP range, the Imperial Federal Navy inspected the samesupplier's range of laser weapons. Herman Industries’ Laser Assault Weapon was trialled and selected on the understanding it would be customised for multiple environments.’