Mission:For Discreet Applicants Only[edit]

From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
Warning sign.png Spoiler Alert: This section might contain information about in-game plots. Warning sign.png

The official in-game name of this mission
Mission Name For Discreet Applicants Only
The quest chain this mission is embedded in
Quest Chain Discreet Applicants Mission Chain
The type of this mission
Mission Type
The release date and the VU that included this mission
Release Date (VU) 2010-02
Your personal mission status.
Personal Status {{{missionPersonalStatus}}}
The location where you begin this mission
StartingLocation Fort Troy
The NPC or entity where you get this mission
Quest Giver
Teleporters you should have or get to complete this mission
Helpful Teleporters Fort Troy, Osere
Locations you will have to visit to begin and complete this mission
Related Locations 75673,69807
The requirements that have to be met to begin this mission
Requirements none
The objectives of this mission
Mission Objectives Place Homing beacon on Genesis Star sensor
Equipment you will probably need to complete this mission
Necessary Equipment Homing beacon (provided during mission)
Mobs you will have to fight to complete this mission
Unavoidable Enemies
Mobs you might encounter during this mission
Possible Enemies all sorts of bots
Approximate costs to complete this mission.
Approximate Costs none
Rewards you can get for the completion of the mission.
Rewards 125 Nova Fragments
The missions unlocked by completing this mission
Next Missions [[Monitor Genesis Star Activities]]
Template:Mission Fact Sheet V1.0


For this mission you will have to put a Homing beacon on a Genesis Star sensor near the crater (75673,69807). When you do that you get a warning that you have tampered with the device and that you should report to Matthew Book. Failing to do so will classify you as a terrorist. You get a choice of reporting to Matthew Book or report back to the mission giver.

The data on this page is based and the choice of going back to the mission giver, a different choice might result in a different outcome and reward.

Warning sign.png

This mission probably features a trigger that leads to branching later in the mission chain.
After placing the homing beacon you get a message to report to Genesis Star Science Officer Matthew Book at East Scylla Mountains. You hace to decide to either report to Genesis Star or to return to Mr Lyndon at Osere.

Possible consequences of your decission:

Warning sign.png

--Tass 19:18, 24 April 2010 (UTC)

In-Game Description[edit]



Map of Cyclops region


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