Mission:Tune Genesis Star sensors[edit]

From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
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The official in-game name of this mission
Mission Name Tune Genesis Star sensors
The quest chain this mission is embedded in
Quest Chain Genesis Star Missions
The type of this mission
Mission Type exploration, service
The release date and the VU that included this mission
Release Date (VU) 2010-02
Your personal mission status.
Personal Status {{{missionPersonalStatus}}}
The location where you begin this mission
StartingLocation Fort Troy
The NPC or entity where you get this mission
Quest Giver Fort Troy Mission Terminal (80488, 68318)
Teleporters you should have or get to complete this mission
Helpful Teleporters Fort Troy, Boreas
Locations you will have to visit to begin and complete this mission
Related Locations Fort Troy, Cyclops Area, East Scylla Mountains
The requirements that have to be met to begin this mission
Requirements none
The objectives of this mission
Mission Objectives
Equipment you will probably need to complete this mission
Necessary Equipment
Mobs you will have to fight to complete this mission
Unavoidable Enemies
Mobs you might encounter during this mission
Possible Enemies Hiryuu, Eviscerator
Approximate costs to complete this mission.
Approximate Costs 0 PED
Rewards you can get for the completion of the mission.
Rewards 125 Nova Fragments
The missions unlocked by completing this mission
Next Missions Mission:Scan_the_Robot's_soil_samples
Template:Mission Fact Sheet V1.0


This mission is the intial mission of a mission chain from the Genesis Star set of missions released in the Planet Calypso Content Release 2010-02. It is set in the Cyclops Area.

In-Game Description[edit]

Genesis Star hires able colonists for technical assignment. Five sensors are placed at strategic locations around the volcano in order to monitor robot activities in the region as well as the volcano itself. Due to unforeseen electromagnetic shifts caused by the volcano, these sensors must be tuned to the right frequency on a regular basis.

Find the five sensors and tune them manually.



Objective: Tune Sensors[edit]

Mission "Tune Genesis Sensors" - Entropia Universe

Video by Smoerble.

Objective: Return to Genesis Star Personnel at East Scylla Mountains[edit]


Enjoy the follow up mission Scan the Robot's soil samples.

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