Entropia Universe beginners guide[edit]

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Entropia Universe Guide
Page last updated: 9 January 2019 15:47:10
Guide last updated: 18 October 2023 00:31:06

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This Entropia Universe newbie guide gives an overview of important topics for new players and points to more detailed information. It's embedded in the general Entropia Universe Guide whose topics you can access via the panel on the right. If you can't find what you are looking for here or on the linked pages please ask on the forums: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/forums/guides-and-help.21/

What's Entropia Universe[edit]

Entropia Universe (formerly "Project Entropia") is a MMOG/Virtual World platform consisting of several game worlds in the form of planets which are connected through space. Most parts of Entropia Universe are based on a Science Fiction setting. In Entropia Universe you play by controlling an avatar in a 3D world performing activities like hunting, mining, crafting and many more. Entropia Universe is best known for its rather unique Real Cash Economy (RCE), meaning the ingame currency Project Entropia Dollars (PED) has a fixed exchange rate rate of 10:1 to the US Dollar and players can convert 'real world' cash into game currency as well as the other way round. Entropia Universe is free to download and to a large extent also free-to-play (F2P).

Before starting[edit]

Systems Requirements[edit]

Before starting it could be wortwhile to check whether your system meets the following reqirements. If you don't have a Mircosoft Windows system you might want to check this page: Entropia Universe on Mac OS or Linux

Very High Settings
  • Internet Connection: ADSL or better
  • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
  • Computer Processor: Intel I7 / AMD Phenom II
  • Computer Memory: 4096 MB RAM or more
  • Graphics Card (with latest drivers): NVIDIA GeForce 285 / ATI Radeon 4870 or better
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c or later
  • Sound Device: Direct X compatible sound device
  • Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels
  • Hard Drive Space: 10 GB of free space
High Settings
  • Internet Connection: ADSL or better
  • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
  • Computer Processor: Intel Core duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2 Series or better
  • Computer Memory: 2048 MB RAM or more
  • Graphics Card (with latest drivers): NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Series or better / ATI Radeon 2900 series or better.
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c or later
  • Sound Device: Direct X compatible sound device
  • Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels
  • Hard Drive Space: 10 GB of free space
Medium Settings

These requirements should be considered the minimum system requirements for Entropia Universe:

  • Internet Connection: ADSL or better
  • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
  • Computer Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.8g hz or AMD Athlon 64 Series or better
  • Computer Memory: 2048 MB RAM or more
  • Graphics Card (with latest drivers): NVIDIA GeForce 7800 Series or better / ATI Radeon 1900 series or better.
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c or later
  • Sound Device: Direct X compatible sound device
  • Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels
  • Hard Drive Space: 10 GB of free space
Low Settings

If your system falls below the Medium Settings requirement you may still be able to participate in Entropia Universe, but your visual experience will be hampered. If you use Medium Settings on a system below Medium Settings requirements, you may suffer from low frame rate. If you use Low Settings, there may be artifacts such as white texture-less avatars, no ground vegetation, short draw distance and no shadows.

Please note that support is not given on technical issues deriving from a computer that only handles the Low Settings.

Choosing a planet to start on[edit]

Choosing the "best" planet to start on is probably the most important decision to make for new players and should be taken before even creating an account because the action of creating an account can already preset the start planet depending via which website the account is registed.

Each planet is developed and operated by another company but they are all interconnected by the ingame outer space and avatars can travel from one planet to another in spaceships. So why could the choice of one's start and home planet be of importance?

  • spave travel involves costs
  • space travel also involves dangers in form of space pirates
  • each planet has a specific setting that might or might not fit ones personal taste, for example Planet Calypso and Planet Arkadia have a (Military) SciFi setting while ROCKtropia is based on music and pop culture
  • some planets have dedicated newbie areas and elaborated tutorial quest chains, others don't have that
  • some planets are using features that are missing on others, for example Next Island has no instances
  • the start planet usually decides that a part of a players potential spendings in Entropia Universe go to the company developing that planet, no matter which planet a player plays on later

To make a recommendation: Start your journey on Planet Calypso, it has the best designed and most extensive new player experience, also it the "biggest", most populated planet offering the most content.

For further information and a detailed planet comparison please refer to the following page: Choosing a Planet to start on.

Getting started[edit]

Download and installation[edit]

Entropia Universe is free to download and to some extent also free-to-play. While choosing a planet to start on you can already download the installer from the official website and install the game. Once installed the download of the actual game content will start. Here is a direct link to the installer: http://install.entropiauniverse.com/entropia_universe_setup.exe Further information can be found on this page: Entropia Universe download and installation.

Account creation[edit]

Further information: Entropia Universe account creation.

Avatar creation[edit]

In Entropia Universe you mainly play by controlling an avatar in an 3D environment. The avatar is created in an avatar creation session at the very beginning of the game. You can leave the avatar creation session with one of the presets (which is not recommended) but if the look of your avatar is important to you might want to take your time trying out the numerous options in the avatar creation session. If you are not satisfied with the look of your avatar later in game the good news is you can change the appearance again but the bad news is this will quite likely cost you money in form of service fees to other players who offer the avatar customization servives. And one thing cannot be changed ever again: the gender. You can find further information about the avatar creation on this page: Entropia Universe avatar creation.

Finding a mentor[edit]

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Interactive mentors map (from: Mentoring guide)

This topic is discussed in the "Getting started" section because as soon as you enter the game other players might offer you mentorship. So you might want to be informed in advance what Mentoring/discipleship is all about. In any other case you can postpone this until you have played a few days and got to know the very basics.

The mentoring system is a formal approach to encourage veteran players to help new players. It is definitely recommended to get a mentor and become a disciple. Even if it turns out during your discipleship that your mentor doesn't really help you you still have an advantage from mentorship once you finish your discipleship by graduation, which happens after you've gathered a few achievements and have gained a specific amount of skill points: on graduation you receive a reward in form of a complete armor set, your mentor by the way receives a gift too.

Further information about Mentoring and discipleship can be found on this page: Mentoring guide.

Joining a society[edit]

This topic is discussed in the "Getting started" section because as soon as you enter the game other players might invite you to join their society, the Entropia Universe equivalent of clans, guilds, companies, etc. So you might want to be informed in advance what Societies and society membership are all about. In any other case you can postpone this until you have played a few days and got to know the very basics.

Society membership adds a lot to the social compenent of the game. Being in an active society with friendly members can have many advantages. Most important for beginners is that you almost always have people to first ask specific questions in the society chat channel and to get further help. Also among society members items and resources are traded for better prices. And last but not least events, team hunts, playing Instances and other group activities are often organized within societies.

Further information about Society membership can be found on these pages: 1. Joining a society 2. Society management.

Avoid getting scammed, tricked and exploited[edit]

This topic is discussed in the "Getting started" section because as soon as you enter the game you are a potential viction of unethical actions by other players. It should be noted that scamming takes places rather rarely but still you might want to be informed about methods of scamming tricking and exploiting and how to avoid being their victim.

Further information can be found there: Avoid getting scammed, tricked and exploited.

Depositing or non-depositing[edit]


The non-depositor's way[edit]

The depositor's way[edit]

First steps inside the game[edit]

The first you will see when entering the actual game is the viewport, the lower interface elements called "dashboard" and two menu bars at top containing so-called "desktop icons". Learn more about the basic interface elements on this page: Viewport, dashboard and desktop icons.

Orientation and movement


Planet Calypso[edit]

Planet Calypso Beginner's Flow: Genesis >>> Calypso Gateway >>> (Camp Icarus) >>> Half Moon Bay >>> Cape Corinth


Hunt The THING[edit]

Hunt The THING

Next Island[edit]

Next Island New Player Experience

Planet Arkadia[edit]

Planet Arkadia New Player Experience

Planet Cyrene[edit]


Planet Toulan[edit]

Possible further directions[edit]

  • Missions
  • Sweating and other F2P activities
  • Hunting
  • Mining
  • Crafting
  • Other professions

Links, references, contributors, categories, and more[edit]
