
From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
(Redirected from Foul)
Moblist thumb Foul.png
Name Foul     Combat
Origin Entropia Universe     Attacks
Destination(s) Calypso, ROCKtropia     Range
Class     Aggression
Movement     Tamable No
Sweatable     Version Update

This is a most sinister and foul Creature, characteristics that have given it its common name.





LevelSweatHealth LevelDamage
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFoul Young1004100WeakMinimal401961015¦class=fa fa-pencil
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFoul Adult1504150MediumSmall301931520¦class=fa fa-pencil
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFoul Scout1805180MediumSmall5017101820¦class=fa fa-pencil

Maturity Health Regen. Speed Max. Damage Threat Taming Level Sweat Available Health level Damage potential Agility Intelligence Psyche Stamina Strength
Young 100 - 16 160 - 0 - - - - - - -
Adult 150 - 20 300 - 0 - - - - - - -
Scout 180 - 26 468 - 0 - - - - - - -
Gatherer 250 - 35 875 - 0 - - - - - - -
Guardian 350 - 41 1435 - 0 - - - - - - -
Scavenger 390 - 46 1794 - 0 - - - - - - -
Raider 400 - 66 2640 - 0 - - - - - - -
Hunter 510 - 60 3060 - 0 - - - - - - -
Warrior 550 - 63 3465 - 0 - - - - - - -


MissionDestinationMission ChainMission ScopeMission GiverPositionStart ConditionObjectivesRewardsVU
The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 1ROCKtropiaThe Hatred Of Vampire StephanoHunting(?????, ?????, ?????),Kill 100 FoulAim (~0.14 PED TT)
The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 2ROCKtropiaThe Hatred Of Vampire StephanoHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 1, |Kill 500 Foul25 Nova Fragment (~ PED TT)| |
The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 3ROCKtropiaThe Hatred Of Vampire StephanoHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 2, |Kill 1000 FoulEvade (~0.61 PED TT)
The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 4ROCKtropiaThe Hatred Of Vampire StephanoHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 3, |Kill 5000 Foul100 Nova Fragment (~ PED TT)| |
The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 5ROCKtropiaThe Hatred Of Vampire StephanoHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 4, |Kill 10000 FoulAND choice between Handgun (~14.25 PED TT) OR Rifle (~6.08 PED TT) OR Melee Combat (~6.08 PED TT)
The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 6ROCKtropiaThe Hatred Of Vampire StephanoHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)The Hatred Of Vampire Stephano 5, |Kill 10000 FoulAND choice between Handgun (~14.25 PED TT) OR Rifle (~6.08 PED TT) OR Melee Combat (~6.08 PED TT)

Foul Mission Chain (5)[edit]
Moblist thumb foul.png Foul Mission Chain
Mission Name Start Location Broker Name Objective Reward
Iron Challenge: 100 Foul Camp Echidna Andrus Brenner Kill 100 Foul + 1 Agility
Iron Challenge: 500 Foul Kill 500 Foul 250 Nova Fragments
Iron Challenge: 1,000 Foul Kill 1,000 Foul + 1 Strength
Iron Challenge: 5,000 Foul Kill 5,000 Foul 1000 Nova Fragments
Iron Challenge: 10,000 Foul Kill 10,000 Foul


Creature has no Destination specified yet!No Foul spawns documented yet!

Land Area Zone Quantity Maturity
Club NEVERDIE Biodome 8 4/10 0/10
Club NEVERDIE Biodome 8 4/10 0/10
Treasure Island South Drake's 10/10 0/10

Creature Control[edit]

Creature Control documentation methods are not done yet!


* the average number of kills this item usually needs to drop at least once

Item Frequency Last VU
A-3 Punisher Mk.II Rare 10.3.1
A-3 Punisher Mk.II, SGA Edition Event 10.2.1
Animal Eye Oil Often 10.3.1
Animal Hide Very often 10.3.1
Animal Muscle Oil Very often 10.3.1
Animal Oil Residue Very often 10.3.1
Animal Thyroid Oil Common 10.2.2
Basic Gem Extractor Unknown 10.3.1
Basic Mineral Extractor Uncommon 10.3.1
Basic Plastic Extractor Uncommon 9.4.3
Basic Strategic Combat Processor Rare 9.4.2
Basic Target Assessment Unit Uncommon 10.1.1
Basic Wood Extractor Rare 10.3.1
Boar Foot Guards (L) Rare 10.1.1
Castorian EnKnuckles-2 Rare 9.2.4
Empty Skill Implant (L) Rare 9.3.6
Explosive Projectiles Often 10.3.1
Eyeshadow (Pale Brown) Unknown 9.3.8
Eyeshadow (Slate Grey) Unknown 9.3.6
Fine Hide Unknown 9.4.3
Fine Wool Uncommon 10.3.1
Focus Chip Moderate Rare 8.9
Foul bone Often 10.3.1
Foul Eye Extremely rare Unknown
Foul skin Often 10.3.1
Foul Skull Rare 8.7.2
Foul suctioncup Rare 8.7.2
Foul Teeth Extremely rare Unknown
Gnome Thigh guards Uncommon 10.2.1
Heal Chip Medium Uncommon 10.3.1
Hermes Arm Guards (L) Rare 9.2.1
Hermes Gloves (L) Unknown 8.12.3
Hermes Head Piece (L) Extremely rare 9.2
Hermes Shin Guards (L) Rare Unknown
Knight Shin guards Common 8.5.1
Large Green-Black Animal Carpet Unknown Unknown
Light BLP Pack Often 10.3.1
Light Weapon Cells Often 10.3.1
Lip Liner (Maroon) Uncommon 9.3.5
Medium BLP Pack Often 10.3.1
Medium Weapon Cells Often 10.3.1
Nemesis Shin guards Rare Unknown
Omegaton A104 Unknown 8.7.3
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-5 Common 10.2.1
Omegaton M2732 Common 10.0.14
Omegaton M71A2 Extremely rare Unknown
Omegaton Z1002 Rare 8.5.1
Opal Rare 9.3.8
Paint Can (Brown) Common 10.3.1
Paint Can (Dark Steel Blue) Rare 10.1
Paint Can (Deep Cadmium) Uncommon 10.2
Paint Can (Navy) Uncommon 9.0.2
Paint Can (Pink) Uncommon 9.4.3
Paint Can (Purple) Uncommon 9.2.4
Paint Can (Steel Blue) Rare 9.4.4
Paint Can (Turqoise) Unknown 9.3.7
Paint Can (Violet Cream) Often 10.0.14
Paint Can (Yellow) Common 9.0.5
Powder (Pale Pink) Rare 9.4.4
Rouge (Pink-Orange) Rare 9.3.6
Soft Hide Common 10.3.1
Strong Cloth Extractor Uncommon 10.0
Teleport Chip Medium Extremely rare 8.6
Thin Wool Uncommon 10.2.1
Wool Often 10.3.1



ID Value Date Maturity Avatar
01 9932 2009/04/06 Guardian Rothgar GRoth Goodnar
02 9835 2008/03/31 Guardian Samtron Sam Amorim
03 9313 2008/02/06 Guardian Medea Adel Green
04 9063 2008/03/12 Scavenger Team "Northern Shores"
05 8697 2008/02/28 Guardian Jack Jack Wolfskin
06 7607 Unknown Gatherer Michael Browny Davill
07 6772 2008/07/14 Gatherer Robin RAZER Deurloo
08 3989 Unknown Guardian Team "WoF Australia -Just do it!"\
09 3535 2008/01/09 Guardian Samm Sammy2004 Djondo
10 3357 2008/04/04 Young Nanda Susurs Trankale
11 3055 Unknown Young Lacky Ricky Looser
12 3036 Unknown Young Aurora Bloodstreaks Blake
13 2708 Unknown Young Beautfiful SerrAngel Angel
14 2328 Unknown Scout megawimp wimp wimp
15 1944 2008/02/16 Adult Aragorn Strider Arathorn


Taming has not been re-implemented yet.

Further information[edit]

Generic info goes here

Name Explanation[edit]

Its scientific name is the Malumenoid, which roughly translated means "wicked minded humanoid".

Foul: an adjective in English meaning offensive, unpleasant, disgusting. He doesn't look very friendly at all in-game now does he?


DNA info goes here

Hunting Log[edit]

Average Return on Foul: 0 %



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Scanner Images[edit]

Other Images[edit]

Images go here

Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
