Treasure Island[edit]

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Treasure Island (as of November 2021 officially "New Treasure Island") is a premium land area on Planet Calypso in Entropia Universe. It was added to the game in November 2004 accompanied by an auction to sell it to a player of Project Entropia, as the game was called back then. The auction was won by Australian David Storey also known in game as Deathifier. With 26,500 USD it was listed as the world's most expensive item in the 2004 Guiness Book of World Records. In 2018 Treasure Island was annexed from David Storey by MindArk during the course of an ongoing lawsuit. In December 2021 Next Island was sold by MindArk in form of 800,000 shares called New Treasure Island Deeds.

Maps and locations[edit]

(This is an ImageMap. Move mouse arrow over the map to get more information. Click to browse to the page of a specific section.)

Treasure Island Northern Shores TPTreasure Island Riverside TPTreasure Island Castle TPTreasure Island Volcanic Edge TPTreasure Island City TPEntropia Planets WikiAmethera Outback Land #21Amethera Outback Land #22West Gallows LACape Rusla LAO'Malley's Grace LASilver's Promenade LACote Fleury LARobert's Gallow LASouth Grace LACentral Promenade LASmollet's Landing LANorth Drake's LADrake's Land LASouth Drake's LALake Penzance LASouth Promenade LAWest Hook LAHook's Alley LALow Channel LAMorgan's Straight LATreasure Island Overview Map
About this image


The Treasure Island Castle(37087, 53135, 156)CalypsoTreasure IslandTreasure IslandRemovedYesYesYesYesYesYesYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Treasure Island City(35141, 49846, 149)CalypsoTreasure IslandTreasure IslandIn GameYesYesYesYesYesYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Treasure Island North Hangar A(39350, 54830, 236)CalypsoTreasure Island11.9.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
Treasure Island North Hangar B(39810, 55230, 228)CalypsoTreasure Island11.9.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
Treasure Island Northern Shores(40269, 55497, 105)CalypsoTreasure IslandTreasure IslandIn GameYesNoYesYesNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Treasure Island Riverside(39169, 51890, 175)CalypsoTreasure IslandTreasure Island11.0.3RemovedYesNoYesYesNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Treasure Island Volcanic Edge(35994, 54709, 465)CalypsoTreasure Island11.0.3RemovedYesNoYesYesNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil

Total: 7

Hunting on Treasure Island[edit]

There are some creatures that are exclusive Treasure Island:

This is when creatures were added to the Island by Deathifier, once he assembled the DNA Samples for them:

Treasure Island history[edit]

7 December 2021: New Treasure Island Deeds post-sale press release[edit]

On 7th of December 2021 MindArk announced the sale of New Treasure Island Deeds with the following press release:

Metaverse Estate Deeds Acquired in Record Time in Entropia Universe[edit]

Twenty-two minutes. That’s how long it took for all 800,000 deeds of New Treasure Island to be snapped up by eager Entropia Universe participants. The fortunate deed holders will now share in the revenue generated by activity on New Treasure Island, one of the most popular hunting destinations within the vast metaverse of Entropia Universe.

New Treasure Island deeds were first listed on the Entropia Exchange on December 1, 2021 at 11:00 UTC, at a price of 10 PED (1 USD) per deed. Within just over twenty minutes, the record-breaking deed offering was fully subscribed.

Compare this to the Crystal Palace Space Station offering of 500,000 deeds, which took nearly 48 hours to complete. This makes New Treasure Island not only the largest, but also the fastest metaverse estate offering in history.

Such estate offerings and entrepreneurial opportunities available in Entropia Universe underline the robust nature of the unique virtual economy, the cornerstone of what makes it the world's first and longest-running metaverse.


New Treasure Island Info[edit]
  • Area: 64 square kilometers (24.7 square miles), making New Treasure Island larger than Manhattan.
  • Location: Planet Calypso, Entropia Universe.
  • Common Creatures: Hogglo, Leviathan, Frescoquda and Letomie.
  • Common Minerals: Lysterium and Blausariam.
Full Details[edit]

Previous Estate and Deed Milestones in Entropia Universe

  • 2005 An asteroid space resort orbiting Planet Calypso, “Club NEVERDIE”, acquired for 100,000 USD.
  • 2009 Crystal Palace Space Station auctioned for 330,000 USD, setting a new Guinness World Record for most expensive virtual item.
  • 2010 The “Club NEVERDIE” space resort transferred between Entropia Universe avatars for a reported 635,000 USD.
  • 2011 60,000 Calypso Land Deeds, with a face value of 6 million USD, acquired by Entropia Universe participants. The current market value of the 60,000 deeds is over 18 million USD.
  • 2013 Monria, a moon of Planet Calypso]], auctioned for 150,000 USD.
  • 2016 Arkadia Underground Deeds auctioned for a total of 1 million USD. Current market value of the deeds exceeds 2 million USD.
  • 2019 Crystal Palace Space Station deeds listed on the Entropia Exchange]] for a total of 500,000 USD. The current market value of those deeds is approximately 915,500 USD.
  • 2021 800,000 New Treasure Island Deeds were acquired for 800,000 USD in 22 minutes.
About Entropia Universe[edit]

Entropia Universe is the world’s longest-running metaverse. Since 2003, Entropia Universe has continuously raised the bar for online virtual experiences by offering a vibrant economy with a real-cash currency. Participants collect and earn virtual currency Project Entropia Dollars (PED) within the game and are able to withdraw funds to their real-world bank accounts. Through the Entropia Planet Partner program, developers from around the world build and maintain additional planets within the Entropia Universe system, each with their own unique themes and designs.

Forum discussion of the press release:

1 December 2021: New Treasure Island Deeds sold out[edit]

New Treasure Island Deeds became available on 1st of December 2021 and were sold out after 18 minutes only!

30 November 2021: Major changes[edit]

With VU 17.12 Treasure Island area has received many changes, including:

  • Updated natural creature spawns. Creatures previously spawned via DNA samples in fertilizer stations are now part of the naturally occurring creature habitats, and range from low, medium, to high maturities.
  • Several other creatures have been introduced to the area, including Daspletor and Cornoanterion.
  • Numerous terrain improvements and cosmetic changes.
  • New Treasure Island is no longer divided into “Land Areas”, and therefore no longer has any hunting or mining taxes.
  • PvP has been disabled on all areas of New Treasure Island.

18 November 2021: New Treasure Island Deeds announced[edit]

On 18th of November 2021 MindArk announced New Treasure Island deeds with the following press release:

New Treasure Island Deeds[edit]

In early December the Entropia Exchange will be expanded with a new listed company, New Treasure Island. The Entropia Exchange allows participants to acquire deeds in virtual companies and receive revenue in the form of dividends from estates controlled by those companies.

New Treasure Island is the third company to be listed on the Entropia Exchange, with deeds available starting on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 11:00 UTC.

Treasure Island has been one of the most popular destinations on Planet Calypso, and features the unique Globster creature as well as the unique Second Entity and Miner Bot robots.

New Treasure Island deeds can be acquired via the Entropia Exchange (accessed by right-clicking on the PED card).

Deed Information[edit]
  • Price per deed: 10 PED
  • Total deeds: 800000
  • Revenue is generated from activity on the 64 square kilometer area of New Treasure Island.
  • Deed revenue represents 50% of Planet Calypso’s planet partner revenue for all activity on New Treasure Island.
  • Dividends are distributed on Mondays at 00:00 UTC.
  • Minimum dividend payout is 1 PEC per deed. If the payout per deed is less than 1 PEC, the amount is carried over to the following week’s dividend.
  • There will no longer be any land area taxes for activity on New Treasure Island.
Additional Info[edit]

New Treasure Island deeds will become tradable between avatars in the Version Update currently scheduled for mid Q1 2022 (approximately three months from initial availability).

Size of New Treasure Island: 64 square kilometers

New Treasure Island Creatures


Sea Creatures

Extraterrestrial Creatures (subject to change)

Forum discussion of the press release:

April 2018: Annexation of Treasure Island[edit]

In April 2018 all Treasure Island properties were annexed and ownership transfered from Deathifier to the avatar "MindArk Official Annex".

18 June 2013: Feffox DNA[edit]

Deathifier askied for community for input regarding whether or not placing the Feffox DNA somewhere on Treasure Island:

30 March - mid June 2013: From the egg to the Feffox[edit]

From late March to mid June the developments of the egg hatching event left Treasure Island. In the course of the event an new creature, the Feffox appreared, resulting in Feffoy Mayhem and ultimately to the hatching of the Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg producing Feffox DNA that was given to Treasure Island's and the egg's owner Deathifier.

28 March 2013: Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg stolen[edit]

On that day the Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg was stolen from Treasure Island. Here's EBN's original report:

EBN: Incident at Treasure Island[edit]

Jermaine Johansson:

“We interrupt tonight’s broadcast of Knee deep in twisted metal - Life in the CDF to bring you these breaking news.

Just hours ago, an incident at Treasure Island Castle was caught by surveillance cameras. EBN has received a copy of the tape. Let’s watch.


Treasure Island Surveillance Camera

EBN is trying to reach Brigadier General de Souza and Xenobiologist Charles Marvin for comments. We will keep our viewers updated as more information comes in. Any tips from the public are welcome.

Knee deep in twisted metal will continue after these messages from our sponsor, the Genesis Star corporation.”

Forum discussion:

08 March 2013: EBN's status update from Treasure Island[edit]

Original report:

EBN: Status Update From Treasure Island[edit]

Jermaine: “You’re watching Entropia Breaking News. I’m your host, Jermaine Johansson.

Tonight’s top story:

“The federal empire - omniscient, omnipresent, benevolent and just sustainer and protector of mankind“.

But first, we’ll take you to Treasure Island Castle, where our reporter, CJ Weave, has an update on the effort to hatch the Egg. CJ?”

CJ: Thanks, Jermaine. Charles Marvin and his team have started the procedure that they say will finally reveal the contents of the fabled Egg. The team of scientists says-

Brigadier General Yevgeny de Souza: “This is CDF Ground Forces Commander Yevgeny de Souza, transmitting on all frequencies.

Multiple warships of unknown origin have entered Calypso’s atmosphere. The fleet is currently over north-west Amethera, heading south-east at high speed. All civilians are urged to stay calm and keep clear; the CDF will intercept the vessels before they reach any major population centers. End transmission.”

Jermaine: ”Uh... Okay. Back over to CJ. CJ?”

CJ Weave: “Thanks, Jermaine. Like I said, Charles Marvin and his team have initiated the procedure that they say will finally reveal the contents of the Egg. The team of scientists says that the Egg still needs to be incubated a while longer, but it’s merely a question of time before it hatches.

I will be reporting to you from Treasure Island until... until....”

Jermaine: “CJ? What’s all that commotion? Is the Egg hatching?”

CJ Weave: “No, it’s - we’re being attacked! Please, send he-”

Jermaine: “CJ? CJ!

Well, folks, it appears we have lost the feed. Uh... Enjoy these messages from our sponsor, the Genesis Star corporation, while our technicians work on getting the feed back up.”

8 March 2013: Start of the egg hatching event[edit]

Early March 2013 EBN began reporting from Treasure Island starting a story arc that ultimately led to the hatching of the Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg. Here's the original report:

EBN: Egg-citing news out of Treasure Island - and that’s no yolk![edit]

Jermaine the Anchorman: “You’re watching Entropia Breaking News. I’m your host, Jermaine Johansson.

Today’s top story:

A major announcement coming out of Treasure Island. We go now to our reporter, CJ Weave, who is reporting live from Treasure Island Castle. CJ?”

CJ Weave: “Thanks, Jermaine.

'Aaaah, The Egg...' A standing joke among Calypsians, ever since entrepreneur-colonist Zachurm “Deathifier” Emegen bought the petrified ovum for a fantastical amount of PED. Now, scientists say, we might finally get to hear the punchline.

The Egg will hatch - if everything goes as planned, that is.

We are joined now by renowned Xenobiologist Charles Marvin, who is leading the project to hatch the Egg.

“Charles, how exactly do you plan on hatching the Egg?”

Xenobiologist Charles Marvin: “It’s simple, really. The Egg was extracted from the carcass of the Atrox Queen - it was never brought to term. We intend to ‘tell’ the Egg that it’s time to hatch, by subjecting it to a cocktail of hormones... Atrox and otherwise.”

CJ Weave: “What exactly do you hope to accomplish by hatching the Egg?”

Xenobiologist Charles Marvin: “Knowledge. The Egg is a xenobiological anomaly. It will remain a missing link in our understanding of this world we call Calypso until it hatches.

And who knows what we could learn from whatever hides within the egg?”

CJ Weave: “Charles, it’s an Atrox Queen egg; would it not be safe to assume that it contains an atrox?”

Xenobiologist Charles Marvin: Well... Uhm... Good point. Hmm... It’s actually a green Atrox Queen egg, so...”

CJ Weave: Thank you, professor. For EBN News, I’m CJ Weave. Back to you at the station.

Jermaine: “Well, there you have it, folks. A new chapter in Calypso’s history, or the world’s most expensive omelet? I personally can’t wait to find out. Stay tuned.”

17 May 2010: Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg missing[edit]

Mid May 2010 the the Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg went missing, as announced by Deathifier, starting a series of in-game events.

Forum discussion:

21 April 2010: New teleporters[edit]

With VU 11.0.3 two new teleporters have been added to Treasure Island: Riverside and Volcanic Edge.

More info:

31 March 2010: The Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg on display[edit]

On that day the Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg, a legendary item in Entropia Universe was put on display near Treasure Island's main teleporter.

Forum discussion:

23 December 2009: EntropiaPlanets interview with Deathifier[edit]

14 December 2009: Deathifier audio interview[edit]

In episode 3 of Darri's Entropia Darri interviews Deathifier

28 March 2009: Letomie[edit]

A new creature called Letomie was added to Treasure Island by its owner Deathifier.

28 February 2009: Frescoquda[edit]

A new creature called Frescoquda was added to Treasure Island by its owner Deathifier.

February 2009[edit]

In February 2009 with VU?? Treasure Island has been restructured form 1 large ingame land area into several separate land areas to improve the management of the island.

25 January 2009: Furor[edit]

A new creature called Furor was added to Treasure Island by its owner Deathifier.

10 July 2006: Foul[edit]

A new creature called Foul was added to Treasure Island by its owner Deathifier.

31 March 2006: Cornundacauda[edit]

A new creature called Cornundacauda was added to Treasure Island by its owner Deathifier.

28 February 2006:[edit]

A new creature called Globster was added to Treasure Island by its owner Deathifier.

8 November 2005[edit]

Less than year after the sale Treasure Island had recouped the initial investment according to the following MindArk press release:



(Gothenburg, SWEDEN) – Project Entropia, the fastest growing virtual world utilizing a real cash economy, today announces that twenty-three year old Deathifier, who purchased the virtual Treasure Island 
for $26,500 in late 2004, has regained investment in less than one year and will continue to draw in revenue each month. “The money made to date is only a taste of what can be achieved with my virtual 
island purchase,” raves Deathifier. “We’ve really only just begun with the estate sales and land management, there is still more room for growth and revenue with the untapped resources surrounding the 
land.” The proven success of Treasure Island led Project Entropia to develop and sell another premiere virtual property: a virtual Space Resort sold for a world record-breaking $100,000.

“The virtual real estate market established by Project Entropia is on fire due to the amount of money potentially to be made, as gamers everywhere are realizing that virtual worlds can compete with dirt 
and clay on an economic level,” says virtual Space Resort winner, Neverdie. “The Space Resort, which I plan to name Club Neverdie, is the perfect vehicle to link reality with virtual reality by enabling 
the entertainment industry to reach inside and target the gamer while he’s in his element. This will also in turn enhance the gamer experience by raising the quality level of content through social 
events and interaction with live music/video. With digital downloading representing the future of the music industry, record labels are desperately searching for new ways to promote music online, and 
Club Neverdie will help bridge the gap.”

The Space Resort is a true monument in the MMORPG virtual gaming community as it provides instant “real cash” revenue to the new owner. The Resort boasts such facilities as a 1000-unit apartment 
complex, commercial spaceship dock, themed shopping mall, and a mega stadium for championship sporting events, a nightclub and more.

Much like the Resort, the virtual Treasure Island came equipped with cash-generating attractions, and now in less than one year has managed to repay Deathifier his complete investment. The island has 
also already become the capital of the player-owned land areas. Island owner, Deathifier, continues to rake in the money by employing numerous members to provide raw materials supporting the island’s 
high-quality chargeable/taxable hunting (estimated $45 a day/per hunter). “Loot is also now frequently yielding in excess of $1,000, causing hundreds of gamers to flock to my hot hunting areas to make 
their fortune,” says Deathifier. Deathifier also relies on the continuous sale of estates and other properties on the island to draw in a majority of the profits “The sale of the Space Resort, which met 
a final bid in just three days time, and the dramatic success of the Treasure Island show that the awareness of investing in a virtual universe really has exploded,” says Marco Behrmann, MindArk 
Director of Community Relations. “The participants see this extension of the virtual universe as a natural next step in an online community. This is an enormous validation that Project Entropia is 
leading the way in future online entertainment and business.”

Project Entropia is part of the next generation of gaming known as MMORPG (massive multi-player online role playing gaming), which seem to resemble more of a virtual world and society rather than a 
typical online video game. This new wave of interactive entertainment allows players to interact in a world of three-dimensional virtual environments.

Unlike many other MMORPG’s, Project Entropia actively supports sales of virtual products with actual cash value within its real economy system. The economy offers the user a secure and safe way to make 
purchases, sales and exchange real life currency into PED (Project Entropia Dollars) and back again into real money, at a fixed exchange rate to the US Dollar. PED allows members to invest in personal 
development and growth through the acquisition of goods, buildings, and land in the Entropia universe.

The heart of Project Entropia lies in a distant planet named Calypso, which includes two continents with large, expanding cities that offer a variety of entertainment and social interaction for its 
citizens. Members of Entropia can create their own persona (avatar), allowing them to choose a suitable life and virtual existence. Characters enter the evolving world full of unexplored and 
uncultivated lands where they can join a community or even create a civilization of their own. Project Entropia offers a new way for individuals to pursue dreams and fantasies through an adventurous 
virtual experience.

25 October 2005: Hogglo[edit]

A new creature called Hogglo was added to Treasure Island by its owner Deathifier.

15 December 2004: Post-sale press release[edit]

After the final sale, MindArk released another press release announcing the sale:

22-YEAR-OLD GAMER PAYS US $26,500 FOR VIRTUAL REAL ESTATE IN LARGEST MMORPG PURCHASE EVER At the End of a Grueling Race to the Finish, Project Entropia Announces Winner of First Virtual Treasure Island Auction

(Los Angeles, CA) – Project Entropia, the fastest growing virtual world utilizing a real cash economy, today announces twenty-two year old Australian, Deathifier from the Dark Knights society, as the savvy winner of this historic auction for virtual real estate. The auction began taking bids in late August and ran through the month of December accepting offers from around the world in a race to claim an extensively rendered virtual treasure island. Bidding ended at an astonishing amount of $26,500 US the largest amount ever spent in the massive multiplayer online gaming space.

The treasure island is a true prize in the MMORPG virtual gaming community as it provides instant Real cash revenue from “mining and hunting” rights to the new owner. The winning bidder of the island will obtain all taxation rights on hunting and mining on the island as hundreds of members flock to the new world in search of new game and gold. The island also provides additional revenue potential through the selling of housing lots and market places, some of which have already been sold and claimed due to the high demand.

“This is a historic moment in gaming history, and this sale only goes to prove that Massive Multiplayer Online Gaming has reached a new plateau where the gamers themselves have discovered the true economic potential of an online community,” raves Marco Behrmann, Mindark Director of Community relations. “This is an incredible milestone.”

“This type of investment will definitely become a trend in online gaming as the standard monthly-fee based online games will struggle to make any sort of cash investment viable,” claims island winner, Deathifier. “It is only the unique, forward-looking games like Project Entropia that establish a real, tangible value to your in-game persona and their activities that allow it.”

Project Entropia is part of the next generation of gaming known as MMORPG (massive multi-player online role playing gaming) which seem to resemble more of a virtual world and society rather than a typical online video game. This new wave of interactive entertainment allows players to interact in a world of three-dimensional virtual environments.

However unlike many other MMORPG’s, Project Entropia actively supports sales of virtual products with actual cash value within its real economy system. The economy offers the user a secure and safe way to make purchases, sales and exchange real life currency into PED (Project Entropia Dollars) and back again into real money. PED allows members to invest in personal development and growth through the acquisition of goods, buildings, and land in the Entropia universe.

The heart of Project Entropia lies in a distant planet named Calypso, which includes two continents with large expanding cities that offer a variety of entertainment and social interaction for the citizens. Members of Entropia can create their own persona (avatar), via a character generation system, allowing them to choose a suitable life and virtual existence. Characters enter the evolving world full of unexplored and uncultivated lands where they can join a community or even create a civilization of their own. Project Entropia offers a new way for individuals to pursue dreams and fantasies through an adventurous virtual experience.

About Project Entropia

Project Entropia is a registered trademark of MindArk PE AB. MindArk PE AB develops, supports, and monitors the services and maintenance of the Project Entropia site. MindArk PE AB began in April of 2003 in Sweden, and has expanded to have partners throughout the world. Project Entropia was launched in 2003 and has reached over 180,000 registered accounts. MindArk offers the Project Entropia software to users free of charge with no monthly costs or associated subscription fees. For more information or to download the free Project Entropia software please visit


15 December 2004: End of aution[edit]

The winning bid was finally made by David "Deathifier" Storey, whose full in-game name is "Zachurm "Deathifier" Emegen".

25 November 2004: Treasure Island Castle public[edit]

Tresure Island was opened to the public with VU 6.3 on November 25th, 2004.

New images of Treasure Island Castle:

Forum discussion:

6 Oktober 2004: Amethera release[edit]

In Oktober 2004 the continent Amethera was added to Project Entropia with VU 6.1. While Treasure Island is located on Amethera it wasn't accessible at that point.

17 September 2004: First images[edit]

Pictures were added to the Treasure Island info page.

24 August 2004[edit]

A day later after the press release MindArk also announced the upcoming sale to their playerbase, along with additional information of exactly what it was the winning bidder would be bidding on:

Rights available to the purchaser of the island:

A unique castle (furniture not included)
Hunting (including native forms of wildlife)
Mining (both minerals and enmatters)
Taxation rights on hunting and mining activities on the island
Income from the sale of land lots. Five lots per month will be available for sale under the duration of one year. These 60 lots alone have an estimated market value of 300 000 PED.
Massive revenue potential


23 August 2004: Treasure Island announcement[edit]

On August 23rd 2004, MindArk sent out a press release announcing the upcoming sale of Treasure Island, "an extensively rendered virtual treasure island, which includes the potentially profitable “mining and hunting” rights" [3].

The full press release stated:


Lushly Rendered Virtual Real Estate Includes Revenue Potential From Gamers “Playing on Your Land”

(Los Angeles, CA) – Project Entropia, one of the fastest growing virtual world’s utilizing a real cash economy, today announces the first-ever auction for virtual real estate. Project Entropia is offering members a chance to participate in a bidding war to claim an extensively rendered virtual treasure island, which includes the potentially profitable “mining and hunting” rights.

The island is a large piece of land, on the fictional planet of Calypso, off a newly discovered continent surrounded by deep-creature infested waters. The island boasts beautiful beaches ripe for developing beachfront property and an old volcano with rumors of fierce beings within. The outback is overrun with mutants, and there is an area with a high concentration of robotic miners guarded by heavily armed assault robots.

The most extraordinary feature is a gigantic abandoned castle overlooking the island. It is suspected that the island is the infamous "Site A," where the original colonist arrival took place, resulting in discoveries of old equipment, a broken down teleporter, and space ship docks for the lucky bidder. Site A, was according to Imperial records, abandoned after the continent was deemed too wild and dangerous for the first phase of planetary colonization.

The winning bidder of the island will obtain all taxation rights on hunting and mining on the island. “This piece of land is the first of its kind, and will create a definite buzz in the massive multiplayer gaming community,” raves Jon Jacobs, US spokesperson for Project Entropia. “Not only will the owner be able to obtain profits from personal use and the mining and hunting of others, but this island promises additional revenue potential through the selling of land lots and market places.”

Project Entropia is part of the next generation of gaming known as MMORPG (massive multi-player online role playing gaming) which seem to resemble more of a virtual world and society rather than a typical online video game. This new wave of interactive entertainment allows players to interact in a world of three-dimensional virtual environments.

However unlike many other MMORP’s, Project Entropia actively supports sales of virtual products with actual cash value within its real economy system. The economy offers the user a secure and safe way to make purchases, sales and exchange real life currency into PED (Project Entropia Dollars) and back again into real money. PED allows members to invest in personal development and growth through the acquisition of goods, buildings, and land in the Entropia universe.

The heart of Project Entropia lies in a distant planet named Calypso, which includes three continents with large expanding cities that offer a variety of entertainment and social interaction for the citizens. Members of Entropia can create their own persona (avatar), via a character generation system, allowing them to choose a suitable life and virtual existence. Characters enter the evolving world full of unexplored and uncultivated lands where they can join a community or even create a civilization of their own. Project Entropia offers a new way for individuals to pursue dreams and fantasies through an adventurous virtual experience.

About Project Entropia

Project Entropia is a registered trademark of MindArk PE AB. MindArk PE AB supports and monitors the services and maintenance of the Project Entropia site. MindArk PE AB began in April of 2003 in Sweden, and has expanded to have partners throughout the world. Project Entropia was launched in 2003 and has reached over 150,000 registered accounts. MindArk offers the Project Entropia software to users free of charge with no monthly costs or associated subscription fees. For more information or to download the free Project Entropia software please visit

The most expensive virtual object[edit]

The sum of 26,500 USD ensured that Treasure Island was added to Guiness Book of World Records 2004 for the most expensive virtual object.

Treasure Island media[edit]

Treasure Island Official Website[edit]

Treasure Island Official Website

Treasure Island videos[edit]

Videos featuring Treasure Island

Pinkus' Tour of Deathifier's Island Mansion JamhotTV: KILLER SHRIMP in Entropia Universe


Fresco .. what now ? JamhotTV: Enter the FUROR


Halloween party on Treasure Island Meet the Letomie - Entropia Universe



Treasure Island articles[edit]

News and magazine articles featuring the Treasure Island sale
Ordered by date:

News and magazine articles featuring Treasure Island or Deathifier

Links, references, contributors, categories, other sources[edit]

  1. 22-YEAR-OLD GAMER PAYS US $26,500 FOR VIRTUAL REAL ESTATE IN LARGEST MMORPG PURCHASE EVER , Treasure Island sold, press release by Mindark as of December 14, 2004)
  2. Treasure Island (6000 Acres/25 km²) - FOR SALE by Public Auction, Treasure Island information by Mindark as of August 24, 2004)
  3. PROJECT ENTROPIA ANNOUNCES ONLINE AUCTION OF VIRTUAL TREASURE ISLAND, original press release by Mindark as of August 23, 2004)
