Planet Calypso Daily Missions[edit]
Where to get the missions[edit]
Daily Missions Terminals:
- Cape Corinth
- Twin Peaks, next to the entry of the Service Center ~(77750, 76650, x)
- Twin Peaks, at the outdoor terminals station ~(???, ???, x)
The Daily Hunter Category 1[edit]
Possible Objectives:
Regular Creatures Missions[edit]
Reward: 1 Daily Token
50 Chirpy[edit]
Although Chirpys can be found in countless locations on Calypso there are few spawns which are convenient to kill them for their Creature Mission, as they're often scarce and surrounded by other potentially threatening mobs. One good location, however, is the small island east of the Fort Victoria TP.
50 Combibo[edit]
50 Cornundos[edit]
90 Daikiba[edit]
50 Diripi[edit]
A relatively clean, small but fast spawn of low maturity Diripi can be found WSW of Zychion Zitadel at ~68600, 77200.
50 Gibnib[edit]
A clean but small and slow Gibnib spawn can be fond on Jennifer's Island.
50 Gradivore[edit]
This mob lacks good spawns to my knowledge, LA 17 has a small quantity of them scattered around large amounts of Grand Formidons, and although Camp Carramone has a large amount the population is of high maturity and great density, making it difficult for most players to utilize.
50 Igni[edit]
Igni can be found mixed with fairly easily avoidable Allophyl around the Honuri TP.
50 Kerberos[edit]
50 Molisk[edit]
50 Morsusilex[edit]
50 Mourner[edit]
A good spawn of mostly Young to Provider Mourners can be found just south of the TP named The MegaVolt, around ~59000, 82200.
50 Prancer[edit]
A somewhat clean but spreads spawn of low to mid maturities can be found around but mainly East-Southeast of North Space Base A, occasionally mixed with Warrior and Neconu.
50 Pupugi[edit]
There is a clean population of low/medium density low maturity Pupugi that can be found in a swampy area directly east of Jurra Plateau at ~72700, 71500.
40 Repesilex[edit]
insert link here
100 RipperSnapper[edit]
90 Shinkibas[edit]
100 Snablesnot Female[edit]
50 Tantillion[edit]
50 Traeskeron[edit]
There are not many spawns of this mob in Entropia, but there is a very good spawn in an area called "The Spawning Pools" which is located just west of the Fort Victoria TP, around ~54300, 60000. This area spawns exclusively Traeskerons, almost entirely of young to old maturity. If you receive this daily mission, make sure to also pick up the Traeskeron killing missions that can be obtained at Camp Poseidon.
40 Trilomite[edit]
50 Tripudion[edit]
Scarce spawn of low level Tripudion (mixed with low level Molisk) can be found around Shinook River TP.
Creatures Bonus Missions[edit]
Reward: 20 Daily Token
10 Chirpy[edit]
Although Chirpys can be found in countless locations on Calypso there are few spawns which are convenient to kill them for their Creature Mission, as they're often scarce and surrounded by other potentially threatening mobs. One good location, however, is the small island east of the Fort Victoria TP.
Loot Missions[edit]
Reward: 2 Daily Token
Chikara Oni-San (L)[edit]
MarCorp Kallous-1 (L)[edit]
The Daily Hunter Category 2[edit]
Possible Objectives:
Regular Creature Missions[edit]
Reward: 2 Daily Token
100 Armax Bull[edit]
100 Armax Cow[edit]
100 Argonaut[edit]
100 Atrax[edit]
There is a good spawn of low/mid maturity Atrax without other mobs north of the Osere TP, around ~81100, 74700.
50 Calypsocod[edit]
50 Defender[edit]
100 Drone[edit]
A good spawn of low level Drones can be found a little bit north of Teleporter:Jason Centre.
50 Drone Coordinator[edit]
Only one spawn of these mobs currently exists in the game, it is southwest of the Fort Victoria TP in the most south-western area of the island, which can be seen as a grey plateau. It is not a very good spawn as the Drone Coordinators vary from Gen 04 to Gen 07 and are surrounded with Warlocks, Warriors and Drones of mid to high maturity which are very aggressive
50 Equus[edit]
A clean, spread, slow, untaxed spawn of low to mid maturity Equus can be found SE of Amethera Outback Land #1 at ~(20100, 46400, x), close TPs: Winter Park, Atami's Paradise, Saba Camp, Segna Forest.
100 Feffoid[edit]
50 Fungoid[edit]
A clean spawn of low maturity Fungoid can be found WSW of Club Sweat at ~(37000, 39100).
80 Harbinger[edit]
100 Longu[edit]
50 Miner Bot[edit]
50 Scaboreas[edit]
50 Snarg[edit]
Snarg can be found on the island in the lake and around the lake SE of Fort Victoria.
20 Sonic Squid[edit]
A relatively clean but slow and spread spawn of Sonic Squid can be found north of Teleporter:Treasure Island Northern Shores.
80 Spider Bomber[edit]
30 Tantardion[edit]
50 Tezlapod[edit]
100 Thorio Male[edit]
There are very few spawns for this mob currently in the game. The best spawn, I believe, is the spawn west of the Odysseus Landing TP, around ~56000, 64200. There are many low-mid maturity Thorio Males in this area, however they are fairly spread out and there are also Thorio Female and high maturity Daikiba in the area, although these mobs are generally non-aggressive so they are not too bothersome.
Creatures Bonus Missions[edit]
Reward: 20 Daily Token
10 Gibnib[edit]
A clean but small and slow Gibnib spawn can be fond on Jennifer's Island.
The Daily Hunter Category 3[edit]
Possible Objectives:
Regular Creature Missions[edit]
Reward: 3 Daily Token
40 Aetherex[edit]
100 Araneatrox[edit]
100 Atrox[edit]
100 Aurli[edit]
Beacon Level 6[edit]
5 Generation 6 Robots
50 Cornoanterion[edit]
100 Estophyl[edit]
80 Feffox[edit]
50 Frescoquda[edit]
50 Globster[edit]
50 Hogglo[edit]
100 Leviathan[edit]
100 Maffoid[edit]
100 Mind Reaver[edit]
100 Neconu[edit]
100 Oculus[edit]
50 Phasm[edit]
100 Primordial Longu[edit]
100 Rextelum[edit]
40 Second Entity[edit]
50 Vanguard[edit]
50 Warlock[edit]
The Daily Miner Category 1[edit]
Possible Objectives:
Note: The number refers to excavated units.
1000 Alicenies Liquid[edit]
2500 Belkar Stone[edit]
313 Copper Stone[edit]
5000 Crude Oil[edit]
333 Cumbriz Stone[edit]
5000 Force Nexus[edit]
417 Frigulite Stone[edit]
385 Iron Stone[edit]
5000 Lysterium Stone[edit]
263 Lytairian Dust[edit]
200 Magerian Mist[edit]
2500 Melchi Water[edit]
625 Narcanisum Stone[edit]
333 Typonolic Steam[edit]
The Daily Manufacturer Category 1[edit]
Possible Objectives:
Note: The number refers to attempts, not to manufactured items.
21 Armor Defense Enhancer I[edit]
27 Basic Pattern Pants[edit]
87 Combustor[edit]
36 Finder F-101[edit]
571 Generic Leather Texture[edit]
41 Jester D-1[edit]
8 Level 1 Finder Amplifier Light (L)[edit]
111 Metal Plating[edit]
29 Pall Stool[edit]
53 Settler Arm Guards[edit]
What you can buy with Daily Tokens[edit]
Daily Token Traders[edit]
- Cape Corinth
- Twin Peaks
Token Trader Offers[edit]
Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
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